Monday, March 24, 2008

Chinese Buzz Words

In the papers in China there is a section for buzz words. The following are a few my husband noted:

"bangmangpai” refers to unfair competition where small company names their products close to famous brand name products to mislead customers

“sanpai gongcheng” stands for three-pat project, referring to a project launched with little feasibility study and often ending in disaster.

“Three-pat” stands for people patting their head to make a decision; patting their chest to make an empty promise; and then patting the dust off their bottoms as they leave the disastrous project behind them.

“baikaishui nusheng” means “plain water girl” and refers to young women who are shy in front of strangers – likens them to plain water.

I really thought he was kidding when he first sent these to me, but I confirmed with him they are real.

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