Another plot to use the Olympics as a world platform has been uncovered. This plot appears to be an international terrorist plot as opposed to the domestic plot uncovered earlier this year.
Thirty-five people, who are believed to be members of an organization with ties to the Middle East and Central Asia, were arrested between March 26 and April 6. They were planning to kidnap athletes, journalist, and guests of the Olympics. In addition, explosives and "jihadist" brochures were confiscated.
This follows the turbulent path of the Olympic torch from the start of the relay. Demonstrators, some pro-China and others against China's human rights polices and the handling of the situation in Tibet, continued to disrupt its course as it traveled through San Franscisco yesterday (4/9/08) during its only US stop. It is currently on its way to Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Officals vow the relay will continue.
Works cited:
China 'uncovers Olympic terror plot'
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